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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Below you will find information about paying for college, our tuition and fees costs and available financial aid.

2024-2025 Academic Year Sponsoring District of LCCC Other PA Resident Out-of-State/Foreign Schuylkill County
Full-Time Tuition
(12-18 credits per semester)
$3,750.00 $7,500.00 $11,250.00 $5,625.00
Capital outlay fee $270.00 $540.00 $270.00
Comprehensive fee $720.00 $720.00 $720.00 $720.00
Technology fee $810.00 $810.00 $810.00 $810.00
Total Full-Time Tuition and Fees $5,280.00 $9,300.00 $13,320.00 $7,425.00
Part-Time Tuition
Less than 12 credits and above 18 credits per semester
$135.00 $270.00 $405.00 $202.50
Capital outlay fee $9.00 $18.00 $9.00
Comprehensive fee $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00
Technology fee $27.00 $27.00 $27.00 $27.00
Total Tuition and Fees Per Credit Hour $186.00 $330.00 $474.00 $262.50
LCCC Textbook+ $30.00 Per Credit $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00

If you are pursuing an Associate’s Degree and plan to enroll Full time (12+ credits each semester), your degree should take approximately 2 academic years to complete.  Based upon the current tuition and fee costs, your degree will cost approximately $10,560 to complete.  Please note, this amount may vary by program of study.  Some programs have additional fees.  View a complete list of fees in our college catalog.Male and female students smiling in cafe

Our tuition and fee charges may change each academic year.  The comparison chart below shows the difference in our tuition and fees between last year, this year and estimated amounts for next year.   Please note these figures are based upon full time enrollment (12-18 credits) for two semesters.

Academic Year Tuition Comp Fee Tech Fee Book Fee
2023-2024 $3750 $720 $720 N/A
2024-2025 $3750 $720 $810 $30/credit
2025-2026* $3825 $735 $827 $30/credit
2026-2027* $3902 $750 $844 $30/credit

*these amounts are estimated based upon a 2% increase

Financial Aid

LCCC students can access various federal, state and institutional funds to help pay for college.  In order to apply for financial aid, you will need to complete the FAFSA.  LCCC also offers a variety of scholarships each year.  In order to apply for these scholarships, you will need to complete the LCCC General Scholarship Application through the MyLCCC Student Portal.

Your financial aid award is not renewable each year.  You will need to reapply each year for federal and state aid by completing the FAFSA.  You will also need to reapply for our LCCC Foundation Scholarships each year as well.Female student smiling in classroom

Once LCCC receives your completed FAFSA application, the Financial Aid Office will prepare an award offer that will be sent to your LCCC student email.  You can view your Financial Aid award online through the MyLCCC Student Portal by clicking the Financial Aid tile.

Student Employment Options

The College offers a Student Employment Program that provides students with an opportunity to earn money during the academic year and during the summer.  Our work study programs are managed by the Career Development Center.

All student employment positions are posted online through the Cougar Claw which is the College’s online job management system.

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